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About Me

I am Chantelle Solomon, the Owner/Founder of Shift Synergy and its Principle Development Enabler. I am different things to different people in their particular context – Executive Coach, Team Development Consultant, Facilitator and also a member of the CA (SA) – South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Our 3 Pillars Of Service

Executive Coaching

Have you moved into a role that requires you to step up in your leadership? Would you like to grow your leadership impact and influence authentically? Are you at a junction and wondering what direction to take to build your career?

We offer one-on-one coaching for leaders, leaders in transition and young talent to develop effective leadership capacity and enhanced capabilities

Team Development

Is your Team pulling in different directions? Are your Team’s efforts to deliver value frustrated by internal focus and a lack of collaboration with key business stakeholders? Is your Team grappling with how to leverage their diversity and enable the sum of their collaborative effort to be greater than the sum of the individual parts?

The complexity, rapid pace and stress of today’s corporate world requires collective leadership to partner with stakeholders to derive wider and more beneficial outcomes

Facilitation and Skills Training

Does your team need some help in resolving a challenge together? Reviewing its way of operating and relating? Having an effective off-site or virtual team event? Are you wondering how to handle disagreements, conflicts or situations where there are unmet expectations and broken promises?

Tailored workshops can be developed to facilitate the specific challenges clients face in their organisation, community or team. In these workshops, we unlock relevant key concepts or principles in an experiential way.


We Aspire to Inspire - Authentic Leaders, enabled teams, growing individuals


Why Shift Synergy?

Our partnering with businesses is greatly enhanced through:

  • Solid business knowledge and experience garnered through my personal leadership journey. This encompassed taking up formal and informal leadership roles at many levels of business
  • Knowledge and experience gained from personal exposure to a variety of schools of leadership and coaching as part of USB’s Masters in Management Coaching
  • Exploration and continuing integration of neuro-linguistic programming (‘NLP’), Conversational Intelligence® (‘C-iQ’), the neuroscience of conversation and trust, and systemic team coaching to draw upon as needed in the partnering process.
Enabled leaders and teams to co-create synergetic outcomes and wider beneficial value.
Facilitating mindset and behavioural change to fulfill personal aspirations and corporate success.
Igniting the self-awareness and confidence that drives us towards resourceful and creative action.
Shifting and elevating the individual to attain their unique growth and developmental goals.

Some companies I’ve worked with:

Enabled leaders and teams to co-create synergetic outcomes and wider beneficial value.
Facilitating mindset and behavioural change to fulfill personal aspirations and corporate success.
Igniting the self-awareness and confidence that drives us towards resourceful and creative action.
Shifting and elevating the individual to attain their unique growth and developmental goals.