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Our 3 Pillars Of Service

“People don’t change because of data or new information, they change because they have a different experience” - Peter Hawkins

Because different objectives require different partnering experiences, we offer three highly focused avenues to achieve these outcomes.


Executive Coaching

One-on-one coaching for leaders, leaders in transition and young talent to develop effective leadership capacity and enhanced capabilities. Here the shift from ‘doing’ leadership to ‘being’ leadership is the focus.

Working from the premise that re-connecting the individual with who they are, amplifying their resourcefulness, and clarifying exactly what or who they want to become, these coaching programs assist leaders and high potential individuals to:

  • Step into and take up existing or new roles with authenticity and assurance
  • Develop state awareness and state management skills
  • Grow and develop themselves personally and professionally

Team development

The complexity, rapid pace and stress of today’s corporate world requires collective leadership to partner with stakeholders to derive wider and more beneficial outcomes.

We apply a systemic lens in partnering with leaders and teams enabling a clear focus on the connections and relationships between leader, team and the wider systems supporting the collaborative effort.

Through the application of systemic team coaching principles, techniques and tools we consider the vital questions of ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ we function together and with others – and introduce via Conversational Intelligence ® (C-IQ), the neuroscience of trust and conversations which are the foundation and building blocks of these relationships.

The Team Coaching process
The process includes an initial contracting phase – an inquiry and discovery phase – followed by diagnosing and co-creating the design of the team’s coaching journey – before embarking on the coaching journey itself. Team Coaching activities can differ, depending on the team’s goals and aspirations.

Facilitation and Skills training

Tailored workshops can be developed to facilitate the specific challenges clients face in their organisation, community or team.

In these workshops, we unlock and explore relevant key concepts or principles experientially to shift towards enabling and empowering mindsets and behaviours to achieve more positive outcomes and strengthen relationships. I present face to face or online training in a live virtual classroom in association with The Human Edge and Vitalsmarts ®.

This skills-based training is focused in three specific areas:

  • Strategising and executing sustainable business change through the powerful Influencer model.
  • Enhancing the ability to hold Crucial Conversations – tough conversations where opposing opinions and high emotions are revealed, and results and relationships are at stake
  • Crucial Accountability conversations that address unmet expectations, broken promises and poor behaviour


‘We aspire to inspire – authentic leaders, enabled teams, growing individuals’


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